Cheddar and pumpkin were okay alone, but together, they add so much to each other's lives (and yummy tastes). Pumpkin puree adds smoothness to melted cheddar's otherwise clumpy existence. Cheddar brings, well, cheesiness to pumpkin's mild flavor. The sharper the cheddar the better the cheddar! Together, they're you're ultimate comfort food in this Cheddar Pumpkin Mac and Cheese, or this Cheddar Pumpkin Mashed Potatoes. It's not just a pair for fall, but it's a pair you'll fall in love with.
If you're a hardcore food lover, you'll feel like all eight of these weirdly matched couplings are wining and dining on your palette! Remember, it was you who brought them together in wedded bliss. Metaphorically speaking.